How To Release Hormonal Weight
Women often enter peri-menopause and menopause unprepared for the sudden weight gain which is often attached to other symptom such as insomnia, low energy, night sweats & more.
You work out, eat healthy, yet your weight & body fat won’t budge.
At Avita, our Weight Loss System is targeted specifically for women in peri-menopause and menopause and prior with the understanding that programs need to be customized to fit each women’s story as an individual.
We recognize the frustration and disappointment women face in their attempts to release unwanted weight, leading to low self-image and poor self-esteem. Women often feel “uncomfortable in their own skin”, “despise the image in the mirror” and most days “just don’t feel like themselves”. Recognize that old solutions won’t work because our body chemistry has changed. During peri-menopause and menopause our body starts gaining weight differently and often rapidly, creating the horrific “muffin top” affecting not only our physical health but also our emotional & spiritual health

To release unwanted weight, the Four Pillars of Women’s Health need to be aligned: Stress Management, Nutrition/Lifestyle Modification, Exercise/Motion and Hormone Balance. If one pillar is off, our body symmetry is not aligned, and nothing will work.
For example, women exercising 5- 7 days a week will not release weight if their hormones aren’t in balance. In reality they are truly working against themselves and could be spiking their Cortisol levels, slowing their metabolism even further…. perhaps even bringing it to a hault!
The Avita 5-Step System To Releasing Hormonal Weight
The Avita 5-Step System provides the foundation from which a program is built-out specific to each woman.
Marrying the Saliva Hormone Test with the weight release program supports all 4 pillars of women’s health.
Balancing hormones is what creates longevity to maintain our “new body” once our goal is reached by balancing our underlying chemistry and re-setting the metabolism in combination with a reasonable & sustainable lifestyle modification.
Let's Get Started.
The Power of Combining Saliva Hormone Testing with Weight Release

Coaching For Success: The Avita Advantage
Coaching is 1:1 with Kelly Nolan, Women’s Health Expert and Pharmacist
A combination of weight release guidance, life-style modification and life coaching all combined—the psychology of weight loss. Its important that the client is willing to dig deep into self-examination to address roadblocks such as stress eating, binge eating or sugar cravings and substitute old habits with new.

Our Proven System
Phase 1
Weight Release
& Goal Setting
We will provide weight release guidance, life-style modification and life coaching all combined with the psychology
of weight loss.
Phase 2
Transition To Maintenance
& A Sustainable Lifestyle
Heading to the finish line in Step 1 needs to have continued support & accountability so our body shape & metabolism stabilizes.Phase 3
Continued Life-coaching & Mindset Guidance. Stay within our Circle of Accountability & continue to substitute old habits for new!Welcome to WellPoint Nutraceuticals
WellPoint Nutraceutical formulations have been time tested, and refined to offer the very best quality professional herbal medicinals.

Professional Referral Program
We invite professionals who are like minded and have expertise in various areas to support our clients. We can assist your clients as well, in the areas of hormone balancing and weight loss.
If you are in fitness (gym owners, trainers, yoga instructors), professional and personal coaching, reiki, meditation coaches, or counselling, this is a great program to join and expand your practice.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Want To Join Our Professional Referral Program?