How To Create Your New Body & Optimize Your Health
Weight gain during Menopause can be an extremely frustrating experience plagued with disappointment and misunderstandings. Women became very intimidated by the scale, uncomfortable in their own skin and may begin to avoid social functions. It becomes a roller-coaster ride of failed attempts and failed beginnings with little to no results. Where to begin?
Perhaps we begin with the understanding that this is “Not Our Fault”. No one explains the chemistry or science behind our changing body. Human nature is to resort to old solutions out of comfort and perhaps at times desperation. The issue is our “new body” will not respond to old solutions and so the struggle begins. Let’s look at all the pieces of the puzzle..the 4 Pillars of Women’s Health ( stress management/nutrition/exercise/hormone balance).
For most women the missing pillar will be “hormone balance”. The quest for the best solutions during menopause becomes a jungle of “myths” & “misinformation”. Do we chance the side effects of pharmaceuticals from our doctor or venture into the “wild west” of the health food store? Or maybe we just cross our fingers, pray for the best outcome and tough it out!
Surprisingly it's not as complicated as we may think...Step #1 “The Secret” begins with the most accurate test for our current hormone levels, a blueprint to map out our Menopause Journey. Without this roadmap there truly is no beginning just a “sea of frustration and disappointment”. Marrying a Saliva Hormone Test with a tailored program of properly dosed natural supplements treats the underlying cause of “WHY” our body will not release unwanted weight. Remembering it's not about “deprivation”! It's about balancing our hormones along with creating a sustainable lifestyle of proper nutrition to FIT US as an individual and optimize our health. Frame your intentions with self-care, NO EXCUSES, just choices.
Here are 3 TAKEAWAYS!
1) Balancing your hormones is KEY to releasing unwanted weight during menopause otherwise nothing will work!
2) Proper testing creates a template to customize a program of high- grade natural supplements.
3) Set your intentions & Ask For What You Want! it 30, 40 or 50 lbs? Be confident.
Releasing unwanted weight during menopause takes accountability and commitment to a sustainable lifestyle….never going backwards only forwards by also releasing OLD HABITS while balancing hormones. It's all about understanding the science of your underlying chemistry!
For further information, text 416-884-8444
or e-mail [email protected]